Summer Solstice - Honor the Light Within with Melissa Lee
Wednesday June 21, 2023; 6:30-8:30pm/ $44
During the Summer solstice, the Sun reaches its highest point in the sky and gives us our longest day of the year. This solstice signifies a time to nourish the seeds planted in the Spring; reminding us to turn inward and find the nourishment needed to grow and evolve.
We will work to develop trust and confidence in ourselves. Trusting that the intentions and goals we set in motion previously are correct even when we face challenging lessons. Our soul knows the plan at this point, we just need to nurture it and feel into our purpose within the process.
Be the light, Trust the journey through uncertainty. Set or ReSet Intentions. Express Gratitude.
We will come together to share sacred space, time for reflecting through journaling and/or sharing will be provided, giving way to fireside (weather permitting) dancing and celebrating which gives way to restorative energy healing through Reiki and Integrated Energy Therapy® Techniques.