Men's Spiritual Round Table with Gary Haynes (live at TNW)

Men's Spiritual Round Table with Gary Haynes (live at TNW)
Men's Spiritual Round Table with Gary Haynes (live at TNW)
This round table gathering plans to meet monthly for an hour.
Men in a Spiritual World :
Join Gary, an energy healer, for a men’s group seeking to explore their spiritual awareness in a welcoming environment where you can share your thoughts and experiences with others. This group welcomes those that are new to openly discussing their own spirituality, as well as those with experience doing so. There is so much we can learn from each other.
During this Round Table we will share meditation, discussion of our spiritual interests and questions and leave with a healing message.
Together finding support in a community of shared experiences, hopes and dreams.
I knew from an early age that I possessed something that was most often felt, but not seen. Over the years I have sought to better understand and hone these innate abilities to hear messages and communicate with those that have passed on from this life as often they have a message that needs to be told to someone.
Through mediumship circles and practices I have been able to further develop these senses and enjoy receiving messages from Spirit.
Meditation and music are a big part of my clearing and relaxing.
I value the energy in crystals and stones and use them daily during both my work days and free time.
Animals, their connections to each other and us as humans, have been lifetime loves.
When I travel I immerse myself in different cultures. Sometimes visiting places of my ancestor heritage and family history.
Communication, care, using intuition, and the success of others is an important part of each of my days.
My goal is to live a life of doing things that feed my soul!